Group V.Textile Industry and Clothing.


STADE, H. & L., 13, Darley Street, j Bradford.Lace Handkerchiefs, original designs, worked by hand. (166)


JACOBY, Moritz, & COMPANY, ; Stoney Street , Nottingham.Patent Valen- ' cienncs and other Lace; Curtains, Bed- 1 covers, Shawls, Veils, Scarfs; Silk Gui- ' pure Nets; Shetland Wool Shawls, &c. I [Rotunda.] (167)

(See Appendix,)

SIMON, MAY & COMPANY, Not­tingham.Lace, Curtains, Plain and Fancy Nets, Shetland Shawls, and Vitrages. (168)

(See also Group VI.)

SMITH, G. J., 16, St. Aubyris Road, Upper Nonvood, London.Irish Laces of all descriptions. (169)

LESTER, C. & T., High Street, Bedford .Hand-made Lace, Italian Point Flounces, &c.; Maltese Coifs, Handker­chiefs, Lappets, and Fancy Collars. (170)

COPE STAKE, MOORE, CRAMPTON & COMPANY, Bow Church­yard, London, and Nottingham .Lace Cur­tains, Shawls, and Dresses; Imitation Valen- 1 ciennes Lace ; White and Black Silk Lace ; Cotton Lace. [Rotunda.] (163) j

POSSELT, PETERS & COM- _ PANY, City Road Mills, Derby, and LmxIou ; Street Works, Leicester.Elastic Webs for . Boots; Elastic Belts, Garters; Thrown Silk j and Woven Webs. (171)

WELCH, MARGETSON & COM­PANY, 16 & 17, Cheapside, London .Shirts and Collars; Fancy, Woollen, and Cotton Shirtings; Neckties, Mufflers, Silk Scarfs, Silk and Cambric Pocket Handkerchiefs, Braces, Rugs, and Umbrellas. (172)

(See Appendix.)

SLATER, BUCKINGHAM & COMPANY.35 and Wood Street, Cheap- side, I^ondon.Silk Scarfs and Cravats; Um­brellas. (173)

WOOD HAMS, MACQUEEN & JOHNSON, Hope's Carr, Stockport. Felt Hats; Silk Hats. (174)

MITCHELL, James, & COM­PANY, Tweed Place Mills, Galashiels, Scot­land.Scotch Tweeds, Worsted Coatings and Trowserings, Cheviots, Japanese Coat­ings, Patent Yarn Tweeds, Scotch Shep­herd Trowsering and Argyle Trowserings.


NICOLL, D., & COMPANY, 58 and 59, Paternoster Rozu, London.Woollens Coatings, Tweeds, Frieze, Angola and Llama Cloths ; Pilots, Beavers, Diagonals, Worsted Goods, Imitation Furs ; Sanitary Cloths, impervious to rain but not to pers­piration ; Hydropellis Cloth for very cold countries. (61 a)

(See also Group III.)

LOBB, John, 296, Regent Street, London.Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen. (177)

NORMAN, S. W., 116, Westminster Bridge Road, London.Boots and Shoes court, dress and walking, for ladies and gentlemen; Cork-soled andSurgical Boots. ( 547 )

(See also Group XIII.)

VYSE, SONS, & COMPANY, 76, Wood Street, Iwndon; Luton, Bedfordshire; St. Albans, Herts; Paris; and Prato, Italy . Straw, Chip, and Felt Plats and Bonnets.


CHRISTY, J. E. & W., & COM­PANY, 35, Gracechurch Street, London . Hats, Caps, and Helmets, in P'elt, Silk, &c.; Platmakers materials and goods in various stages of manufacture. (180)

APPLEYARD, Henry, 36, Lower Sachdlle Street Dublin.Balbriggan Hose for Ladies ; Pimbroidered and Peculiar Lace ; one Pair exhibited only weighs half an ounce. (181)