Catalogue of the British Section.


NEWTON, GOUGH & COM- | TANY, Manchester. LeatherEnglish tanned for Boot and Shoe Soles and Inner Soles; English curried for Upper Leathers of Boots and Shoes; English tanned Walrus Hide. ( 2I 5)

(See also Group XIII.)

EVANS, P. & S., & COMPANY, Avonside Tannery , Bristol.British Army Sole Leather; Engine Backs for Colliery Pumps, &c.; Ordinary Sole Leather; Hip­popotamus Leather, and Foreign Bellies.


SC H LETTER & COMPANY, Birmingham.Saddler}', Harness, and gene­ral Leather Goods ; Saddlers Ironmongery and Whips ; Leather Cloth and Floor Cloth; India Rubber Goods. ( 2I 7 )

(See also Gtoup VII. and X.)

BRACE, H., & COMPANY, (Limited), 3, Bridge Street, Walsall. Leather, Saddlery, Harness; Webs and Woollen Goods for Saddlery ; Whips, Bits, Spurs, Stirrups; Horse and Carriage Brushes. (218)

MIDDLEMORE, W., Holloway Road, Birmingham.Saddlery, Harness, and Leather Goods; English Hunting Saddle, and Indian Riding Saddle, on patent spring seats ; Australian and South American Saddles; Side Saddles with spring seat; Racing Saddle; Cape of Good Hope Saddle, with patent iron tree; Machine - made Plarness for Europe, the Colonies, &c. ; Travelling necessaries; Ilogskins and Enamelled Hides. ( 2I 9)

(See also Group XIII.)

TANNED LEATHER COM­PANY, Armley Works, Greenfield, near Man­chester.Leather prepared for making mill bands, straps, &c., for shoe soles and tops ; Tanned Hides for various purposes for curriers. (220)

ECROYD, W., & SON, TyeSs Gate­way, Bermondsey, London.Morocco Leather for Bookbinding, Furniture Covering, and Coach Fitting. Goat Skins in crust ready for dyeing. ( 22 0

DREW, John, 33, Regent Street, London. Trunks and Portmanteaus in solid Leather; Military Camp and Tra­velling Equipages an officers room fitted up as in England; Patent Square­mouthed Bags, with or without Dressing Case Fittings; Dressing Case Portmanteaus; Patent Railway Companion Table, including card and chess table, luncheon case, writing materials, dressing case fittings, and railway lamp, with space for a hat, the whole not exceeding the size of a square hat box, and will go under the seat of the carriage. (750)

(See also Group VIII.)

CHRISTIE, William, Walsall and London.Saddles for hunting, park, racing &c.; Colonial Saddles ; Military Saddles , Ladies Saddles ; Pads, Pilches, and Chairs for Children ; Saddle Trees, &:c. (321«)

DEED, J. S., & SONS, 451, Oxford Street, London.Skins, Mats, and Rugs ; Morocco and other Leather. (222)

(See also'Group V.)

CLARK, SON & MORLAND, Glastonbury. Sheep and Angora Skins dressed and dyed for hearth, door and car­riage rugs, Chamois Leather, Leather Leg­gings, and Wool-lined Slippers. ( 22 3)

BIRNBAUM, B., 21, New Broad Street, Londofi. India-rubber Clothing Coats, Capes, Aprons, Rugs, Leggings; Waterproof Cloth of all descriptions. (225)

INDIA RUBBER, GUTTA PERCHA, & TELEGRAPH WORKS, COMPANY, (Limited), Silvertoivn, Essex, and 100, Camion Street, London.India Rubber and Gutta Percha Manufactures; Submarine and Torpedo Telegraph Cable ; Insulated Telegraph Wires. (775)

(See also Group XIV.)

LEATHER CLOTH COMPANY, 4, Cannon Street,London.Crocketts Leather ClothMuslins, Drills, Ducks, Moleskins ; double japanned and printed Table Covers.