Group VI. Leather and India-Ruhber Industry.

DAFT, T. B., C.E., Failsivorih, near Manchester. Elastic Fabrics, with model of the machinery used in making the web. ( 22 7)

WARNE, Wm, & COMPANY, 9, Gresham Street West, London.India- rubber ManufacturesAir-proof Articles ; Magnetic Cut India-rubber thread in warps for elastic webs ; waterproof cloths, and garments, surgical, mechanical, veterinary, .and domestic appliances, tobacco pouches, and jars; Solid India-rubber Tubing and Suction and Delivery Hose of India-rubber and Canvas combined. Emery Wheels for grinding, polishing, &c. (228)

LEE, II. N. & E., 27, Wailing Street, and 138, High Holborn, London.India- rubber Garments and Fabrics ; Beds, Cushions, Surgical and Domestic Appliances.

( 22 9 )

HEMBRY, B., & COMPANY, 91, Newgate Street, London .Linoleum Floor Cloth, Billiard Mats, Toilet and Bath Mats, Stair Cloth, and Borders ; Linoleum Cement. {In use in the Hall of the Royal British Commission.) (230)


! HARRY, W. D., & Co., Lower

j Road, Deptford, Kent.Kamptulicon Floor | Cloths, Knife Boards, and Toilet Mats. (231)


j UNITE, John, 291, Edgware Road,

I London.Marquee, waterproof, 30 ft. by 15 ft. ; Square Garden Tent, Alpine Tent,

, EmigrantsTent; ModelsofTents, Marquees, i and Rick Cloths; Samples of small white j and tarred Hemp Rope and Twine; Trophy j of Bunting Flags. ( 2 3 2 )

j (See also Group XVI.)


PANY, 48, Long Lane, Smithfield, London .

1 Hospital Tent for collection of Military Equipment and Sanitary Appliances ; Lawn Tent, on the Umbrella principle, called Ritchies Patent Tent. ( 2 33)

(See also Group XV/.)

SIMON, MAY & COMPANY, Not­tingham.Elastic Web Fabrics. (168)

I (See also Group V.)



| COMPANY (Limited), Castle Mills, Foun- ; tain Bridge, Edinburgh.India Rubber * Goods. (235)
