Catalogue of the British Section.

GROUP VII. Metal Industry.

Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Work, and Jewellery, &c. Iron and Steel Wares (excluding Machinery, Building Materials, Philosophical and Musical Instruments). Manufactures from other Metals and Alloys. Weapons of every description, except Military Arms. Processes and Inventions used in the Production of these Manufactures. Statistics of Production

HANCOCKS & COMPANY, 38 and 39, Bruton Street, London.Diamonds and Pearls; Jewellery; Gold and Silver­smiths Work; Electro-Plated Goods. (240)

ELKINGTON & COMPANY, Birmingham.Silver Plate ; Electro-gilt Plate; Bronze and Enamelled Works; Plated Goods; Bronzes, cast and electro- deposited ; Artistic objects in all metals.

( 2 4 ! )

THOMAS, W. J., 28, Old Bond Street, London. Jewellery, Silver Plate, Precious Stones, Watches. ( 2 4 2 )

AITCHISON, James, 23, Princes Street, Edinburgh .Gold and Silver Jewel­lery ; Highland Ornaments set with Scotch Pearls, Pebbles, Cairngorm, &c. ( 2 43)

DAVIS, G., SON & COMPANY, 37, 37V, & 38, Sun Street West, Birming­ham. Whip Handles; Umbrella and Walk­ing Stick Mounts and Handles ; Whip Sticks, Whip Thongs, and Materials used in the making of Whips. ( 2 44)

GOGGIN, Jeremiah, 74, Grafton Street, Dublin.Bog Oak ; Albums, Writing Desks, Dressing Cases, &c.; Celtic Orna­ments for personal wear, set with gems.

( 2 45)

WHITELEY, William, 31 to 49, Westbourne Grove, London.Black Glass Orna­ments Coronets, Aigrettes, Brooches, Bracelets, Combs, Chatelaines, Earrings, Buckles, Necklets, &c. ( 2 46)

FRANCHI, G., & COMPANY, 15, JMyddleton Street, Clerkemvell, London.Elec­trotype Plate; Reproductions of Works of Art, &c. ( 2 47)

BETJEMANN, G., & SONS, 36 and 38, Pentonville Road, London.Caskets, Candelabra. (808)

{See also Group VIII.)

NEAL, John, 44, 46 and 48, Edgivare Road, London.Pyro-silver Cutlery.

(3 2 4<*)

TAYLOR BROTHERS, Adelaide Works, Sheffield .Circular Saw, 7 ft. z\ in. in diameter, best cast steel, perforated, hardened and tempered, and ground by patented machinery. (248)

JOHNSON, Richard, &NEPHEW, 27, Dale Street, Manchester .Wire Rods; a Weldless Wire Rod, 1,770 yards long; Galvanized Telegraphic Wire. '249)

JOHNSON, Richard, CLAPHAM & MORRIS, 27, Dale Street, Manchester . Iron, Copper, and Brass Cloth; Wire Netting ; Cloth for Paper-making and other Wirework; fine Copper and Brass Wire.

( 2 49*)

MILWARD, J. F., 160, Great

Hampton Row, Birmingham .Awl Blades ; Sewing Machine Turnscrews ; Harness Makers Awls. (777)