Group XII. Graphic Arts.


GRANT & COMPANY, 72 to 78, Turnmill Street, London, and 2, Rue Drouot, Paris.Letterpress and Lithographic Print­ing, plain and in colours ; Fine Art Print­ing ; Illuminated Cards, Show Boards; Wood Engraving ; Enamelled Iron Tablets.

(10 a)

JOHNSON, J. M., & SONS, 3, Castle Street, Holborn ; Steam Printing Works, 56, Hatton Garden, London.Catalogue of the British Section of the Exhibition;Crystal, Chromo-fulgent, Indestructible Iron, and other Show Tablets; Posters, and General

Printing in Colours.

( 433 )

(See Appendix.)


John, 17,

Brown Square, Edinburgh.Map Engraving and Colour Printing for Atlases, educational and other purposes. (414)

DAY, John B., Savoy Street, Strand, London.Chromo-Lithographs. (415)

JOHNSTON, W. & A. K., 4, V/. Andrew's Square, Edinburgh .Human Ana­tomy and Physiology, in two large Sheets; Illustrations of Botany, in four large Sheets. Historical Geography of the Clans of Scot­land in one sheet. (4 1 6)

LEIGHTON, John, F.S.A., 12, Ormonde Terrace, Regent's Park, London . Maps of London, Paris, and Vienna, hex- agonally indexed in English Miles for the purpose of Municipal Government, Imperial Administration, Cab Fares, &c. (4°7)

BROWNRIGG, T. M., 32, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin .Photographs. (417)

GODBOLD, II. J., 8, Grand Parade, Saint Leonards-on-Sea.Photographs. (418)

HAES, Frank, 41, St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, Lottdon.Photo­graphs of Wild Animals, enlarged by the Autotype Process from small negatives taken in the Zoological Societys Gardens, London. (419)

BEASLEY, F., Jun., 30, Upper Hamilton 2 'errace, St. John's Wood, London . Photographs taken by a dry process, showing the number of days between preparation and exposure, and also between exposure and development; Views of English and Irish Scenery, &c. (4 20 )

TWYMAN, C., 36, High Street, Ramsgate.Photographs. (421)

ROBINSON,H. P.,&CHERRILL, N. K., Tunbridge Wells.Photographs.

( 4*0

FERNELEY, Charles A., Seal- ford Road, Melton Mowbray.Photograph Lantern SlidesEnglish Scenery. (423)

HARE, George, i Leaver Callhotpe Street, London. Photographic Apparatus, Cameras, Graphoscopes, Stereoscopes, &c.


LONDON STEREOSCOPIC AND PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, no and 108 , Regent Street, and 54, Cheapside, London. Photographic Portraits of English States­men, Divines, Literary and Scientific men, Dramatic Celebrities; The Disraeli Cabinet, 1868; The Gladstone Cabinet, 1873; Stereographs of Rustic Scenes in England, and two large views of International Exhi­bition, 1872. (,425)

CAMERON, Mrs. Julia M.,

Freshwater Bay, Lsle of Wight.Photographs, Portraits, and Studies, from Life. (426)

WORTLEY, Colonel H. Stuart, Rosslyn House, Grove End Road, London . Photographs on Uranium dry plates ; Photo­graphs from nature and from life. (427)

CRAWSHAY, Robert T., Cy-

farthfa, Merthyr Tydvil, Wales.Photo­graphs. (828)

WANE, Marshall, 4, Finch Road, Douglas, Isle of Plan.Photographic Por­traits and Composition Groups. (389)

HEATH, Vernon, & COMPANY, 43, Piccadilly, London.Landscape Auto­types, enlarged from negatives 12 inches by 10. (390)