Catalogue of the

McLACHLAN, Lachlan, 9, Cross Street, Manchester.Photograph represent­ing the Central Executive Cotton Famine Relief Fund Committee, sitting at the Town Hall, Manchesterthe portraits taken from the life. (150)

HARMAN, J. S 87, New Bond Street, London.Photographs. (203)

LEMERE, Bedford, 147, Strand, London.Architectural Photographs. De­tails of Westminster Abbey, and Salisbury, Lincoln, Hereford, and Llandaff Cathedrals, and of Mansions. (204)

LEWIS, Abel, Douglas, Lsle of Man. Photographs of young children. (205)

BEAU, Adolphe, Regent Street, London.Photographs. (6150)

WOODBURY PERMANENT PRINTING PROCESS COMPANY, 9 a, Hereford Square, London.Photographs in permanent colours (Lent for the use of the Royal Commission for Decoration of the Workmens Dwellings).

GRAY, B., I.ondon.Fire Screen decorated with Photographs. (375)

British Section.

WYON, J. S. & A. B., 287, Regent Street, London. Engraving and Illumina­tion ; Specimens of Engraving, including the Great Seal of England, Great Seal of Canada; Dies for paper, Arms, Monograms, &c., stamped in colours and illuminated; Book Labels, &c.; Reductions in Steel (un­touched) from models in relief, or in in­taglio ; Paintings of Arms and other designs.

( 43 o)

BLADES, EAST & BLADES, 11, Abchurch I,ane, London.Bank Note En­graving, with microscopic work for preven­tion of forgery. (431)

DE LEON, M., & COMPANY, 24, Rathbone Place, I.ondon.Dies and Stamps ; Self-acting and Self-inking Dating, Number­ing, Endorsing, and Paging Machines; Stencil Plates, Brass - faced Type, and Marking Ink. (43 \a)

JONES, Owen, 9, Arg}'ll Place, L.ondon.Designs for Wall Decorations, Furniture, Carpets, Paper Hangings, Silk Hangings and Backs of Playing Cards.

( 688 )

(See also Croups XI. and XVIII.)