Group XIII. General Machinery.


i^cwt. Hammer for machinists, implement makers, and others; i-cwt. Hammer, can be worked by hand or foot, for file makers, cutlers, bolt makers, and others; 3 cwt. Special Steam Stamp for stamping bolts, rivets, studs, shovels, and other articles.(465)

TICKLE, R. P., 3, Poppiris Court , Fleet Street, London.Iron Bed for Mounting Stereotype or other plates for printing. (466)

BACON, G. W., & COMPANY, 127, Strand, London .Beckwiths Portable Sewing Machine. Price 35s. (467)

LAWSON, S., & SONS, Hope

Foundry, Leeds.Spinning Machinery for Hemp, Jute, and Flax; Tow Carding Engine, &G. (468)

(See Appendtx.)

DE BERGUE, C., & COMPANY, 1 o, Strand, Lotidon; Strangeways Works, ^Manchester; and Wauntreoda Works, near Cardiff.Boiler and Girder Rivetting Ma­chines ; Rivet Making Machines; Punching and Shearing Machines ; Patent Permanent Way; Permanent Way Levellers, &c. (470)

(See A ppendtx,)

GWYNNE, J. & H., Hammersmith Iromvorks, London.Centrifugal Irrigation Pump, as used in Austria and Hungary, throwing 1,800 gallons per minute; Centri­fugal Irrigation Pump, as used in Egypt and India, capable of lifting 3,000 gallons a minute 30 feet high;' other Centrifugal Pumps, throwing from 100 to 3,000 gallons per minute. (47 0

BRADFORD, Thomas, & COM­PANY, 63, Fleet Street, Lo?idon.Washing, Wringing, Drying, Starching, Mangling, and Calendering Machinery. (47 2 )

(See A ppendtx.)

BATEMAN, Daniel, & SONS, Lowmoor, Bradford.Improved Angular Wire Cards for Carding Cotton Wool and other Fibrous Substances. (43 3a)

MATHER & PLATT, Salford Lron Works, Manchester.Twelve Colour Calico Printing Machine, with Double Cylinder Diagonal Engine and Driving Gear. (434)

(See Appendix.)

WORSSAM, Samuel, & COM­PANY, Oakley Works, King's Road, Chelsea, London. Wood-working Machines for sawing, planing, moulding, mortising, box­ing, and tenoning; also Patent Mitreing Machines, Patent General Joiner, new Patent Special Machines for making par­quetry flooring ; Double Parquetry Edging and Grooving Machine ; Parquetry Planing and Surfacing Machine; Hand Mortising Machines, GrindingApparatus, Saw-sharpen­ing Machine, and various models and speci­mens of work produced by these machines.


RANSOME, A., & COMPANY, 304, King's Road, Chelsea, London.Wood Work­ing Machines ; Vertical Saw Frames, Circular Saw Benches, Band Saw Machines; Planing, Moulding, Shaping, Recessing, Mortising, Tenoning, and Mitreing Ma­chines ; General Joiners Machine; Saw Sharpening Machine; Arrangement for re­moving instantaneously shavings, dust, and light refuse from machinery. (474)

(See also Group XVIII.)

HUXHAMS & BROWN, Commer­cial Road, Exeter.Mill to grind Bark for tanyards and leather dressers, by horse or steam power; Machine to roll Leather by steam power; Mill for mixing Mortar or Concrete by hand or by steam ; Planing Machine for iron. ( 2I 3)

(See also Group VI.)

SUMNER, J. M., & COMPANY, 2, Brazetiose Street, Planches ter. Calico Machine; Pentagraph Engraving Printing Machine for cylinders, copper Printing Rollers, and other articles used by calico printers. (475)

THWAITES & CARBUTT, Vul­can Lronworks, Bradford, Yorkshire.Double­action Steam Tilt Hammer, 7 cwt., with rapid Self-acting Motion. Roots Patent Rotary Blowing Machine with 15-horse power Vertical Engine combined. (477)