Catalogue of the British Section.

40-horse power each, one with Steel Shell Plates, Solid Welded Flue-rings and Circu­lating Pipes; Hydraulic Jacks for Lifting Boilers of 10 to 30 tons weight. (45°)

NORRIS, S. E., & COMPANY, 56, 57, 58, and 174, High Street, Shadtvell, London.Leather Driving Bands for Ma­chinery ; Leather Hose for Fire Engines; Buckets; Pump and Hydraulic Leathers; Strap Butts, &c. (451)

HOLGATE, J., & COMPANY, 33, Great Dover Street, London.Leather Machine Bands; Fire Hose, Buckets, &c.

( 45 2 )

EDWARDS, W. J 20, Market Place, Manchester.Leather Driving Bands, made from best English leather, and without cross joints. Manufactured by the paten­tees, Sampson and Company, Stroud, Gloucestershire. (453)

HEAD, WRIGHTSON & COM­PANY, Teesdalelron Works,Stockton-on-Tees. Hoists, Moore & Heads patent; Pulley Blocks, Moores patent. (454)

(See Appendix.)

PICKERING, Jonathan, Stockton- on-Tees.Patent Pulley Blocks, Sack Hoists, and Procters Patent Spring Hammers, for hand and steam power. (606)

HUDSWELL, CLARKE & RODGERS, Railway Foundry, Leeds. Patent Wrought Iron Driving Pulley. (564)

WEBB & SON, Combs Tannery, Stcnvmarket.Leather Machine Bands, Fire Buckets and Hose. (209)

(See also Group VI.)

POWIS, JAMES, WESTERN & COMPANY, Victoria Works, Belvedere Road, Lambeth, London.Wood Planing, Mould­ing, Tongueing and Grooving, Tenoning, Mortising, and Boring Machinery; Sawing Machinery of various kinds; Band-saw Machine for Cutting Iron; Stone Moulded and Planed by Machinery; Driving Belts.

( 455 )

PLATT, BROTHERS & COM­PANY, (Limited), Hartford Iron Works, Old­ham.Wool-carding, Preparing, Spinning

and Weaving Machinery ; Worsted Gill Boxes and Combing Machines; Cotton Gins. (456)

TANGYE BROTHERS & HOL­MAN, 10, Lauretice Pounlney Lane, London. Steam Engine, 12-horse power, Tangyes patent, horizontal high pressure with variable expansion gear; Steam Pump, direct action, with 14-inch steam or air cylinder, 12-inch water cylinder, and 24-inch stroke; Lifting Jacks, Pulley Block, &c. (457)

BROWN, BAYLEY, & DIXON, Steel and Iron Works, Sheffield.Patent In­jector for Locomotive Boilers, &c. (239)

COMBE & BARBOUR, Falls Foundry, Belfast, Ireland.Flax Machinery and Tools; Combes Patent Hackling Machine, Spreader, Drawing Frame, Rov­ing Frame, Cop Machine, Fluting Machine. Lathe for wood rollers, Patterns, &c. (460)

LIVESEY, Henry, Grecnbank,Black­burn.Machine for winding from pin-cops and coloured Yarns from the Hank, and for unknitting heddles for re-use, with case of sample shuttles, bobbins, pickers, &c. ; Drawings of Power Looms. (461)

BROUGHTON COPPER COM­PANY, Manchester.Calico Printing Rollers for garments and handkerchiefs, in copper and brass ; Copper and brass tubes for steam, gas, water, condensers, &c., seamless and brazed ; Copper Singeing Plates for dressing calico ; Bolts and Plates for loco­motive fire-boxes ; Copper and Brass ingots, plates, strips, &c. (462)

NUSSEY & PILLING, Park Works, Leeds.Sewing Machines. (463)

BAINES, W. N., Lancefield Street, Glasgow.Steam Fittings in iron and gun- metal ; Valves, Whistles, Water Guages, Guage Cocks, Grease Cocks, Oil Syphons, &c. ' (464)

MASSEY, B. & S., Openshaiv Canal Ironworks, Manchester.Steam Hammers ; 5 cwt. Hammer, double-acting, self-acting, and hand-worked, for the use of engineers, shipbuilders, wagon makers, and others;