Catalogue of the British Section.

MARSDEN, H. R., & COMPANY, | Soho Foundry, Leeds.Stone Breaker and Ore Pulverizer, for hand or steam power. !


DENNIS & COMPANY, 19, Hol- born, London.Steam Sentinel, for the pre­vention of boiler explosions; Improved Pneumatic Fire Extinguishers. (614)

KENNEDYS PATENT WATER METER COMPANY (Limited), Kilmar­nock .Water Meters. (532)

JOHNSON & ELLINGTON, Chester.Hydraulic Warehouse Crane, 25 cwt., with jib; Patent Duplex Whipping Hoist, 6 to 12 cwt., eighty lifts per hour, both worked by accumulators. (459)

(See Appendix.)

PAYTON, William, 21, Great George Street, Westminster.Safety and Relief Valves; Apparatus for moving and turning blocks of stone, and other heavy bodies.


INGHAM, J., & SONS, Thornton, near Bradford .Shuttles and Pickers for weaving and belting; Strappings and Springs for machinery. (53/)

HOLT, II. P., C.E., Royal Insur­ance Buildings, Leeds. Patent Combined Elastic Steel Diaphragm, and Relief Frame for equilibrating or balancing ordinary Slide Valves and Expansion Gear, applicable to all old and new Engines. (538)

HILL & SMITH, Brierley Hill Iron Works, Staffordshire.Hammered Iron Engine Forgings, Shafts, Axles, and various kinds of Railway Ironwork. (293)

(See also Gro?/p IV/.)

IRVIN &: SELLERS, Preston, Lan­cashire.Bobbins, Boxwood Bosses, Pickers, and Shuttles. (540)

SIMON, H., C.E., 7, St. Peter's Square , Manchester.Cramps (Stroudlcys patent), to facilitate the replacing of loco­motives and carriages that have gone off the rails. (54*)

(See also Group II.)

WHITLEY PARTNERS, Railway Works, Leeds. Steam Engine and Boiler Accessories; Allens Steam P'ngine Go­vernors and Valves ; Peets Valve Taps for Steam, Water, and Gas Pipes and Mains; Crossley & Hansons Self-acting Reducing Valves; Berrymans Machines for Heating and Regulating the Feed Water for Boilers; Berrymans Steam Traps; Waterss Feed Water Heaters; PatentPower Jumpers; Hansons Variable Expansion Gear; The Best Steam Boilers ; Rodgerss Wrought Iron Split Drums; Pitts Centring and Facing Machines; Walkingtons Compound Tool Boxes for Planing Machines; Martins Anchors; Commons Automatic Apparatus for the prevention of pipes bursting from frost; CameronsSpecial Steam Pumps; Fields Boiler Tubes; Field & Cottons Direct-expansion Compound Engine; Westrays Portable Drills; Hodgsons Ra­dial Iland Drills; Denisons Suspended Weighing Machines; Dudgeons Tube Expanders; Greshams Injectors; Farrons High Pressure Taps; Farrons Pressure Diminishing Valves ; Webbs Water Gauges for Steam Boilers; theOxygen Furnace Bar for economizing fuel; Smyths Self­acting Motor for driving Sewing and other Machines ; Plainess Lead-encased Block- tin Piping; TheVaughan Self-acting Water lvjectors ; Bessemer Emery Wheels ; Direct-acting Swivel-arm Engine Indi­cators; Westons Ratchet Braces; Taylors Engine Counters; Taylors Speedometers; Chandlers Compound-lever Ball Valves; Fields Disc-lip Valves; Whitleys Valve Lubricators; Ripley & Wormalds Tube Wrenches; Allens Angular - cut Rasps; llixtincteur; Gun-metal P'ittings and Mount­ings for Locomotive, Marine, Stationary, and Portable Plnginesand Boilers; Wrought Iron, Brass, and Copper Tubes; Halkyn Mountain Hydraulic Lime, and Pwll Melyn Roman Cement; Lap-Welded Iron Boiler Tubes; Asbestos Steam Packing. (54 2 )

(See Appendix.)