Group XIIIa.Agricultural Machinery.


price 280/.; Portable Steam Thrashing and Finishing Machine, price 160/.; Horse­power Thrashing Machine, 76/. ioj. ; Model of Patent Folding Elevator. (596).

CORCORAN, Bryan, WITT & COMPANY, 28, Market Buildings, Mark Lane, London.Corn Grinding Mill, with French Burr Stones, Smutting Machine and Corn Screen, and Wheat Separator ; Chon- drometer, with English, Austrian, or other scale, for ascertaining the Weight of Corn per bushel, &c.; Hand Drill and Seed Sower. (597)

{See also Group VII,)

WILLSHER, John Chaplin, Brain­tree, and 40, GracecJiurch Street, London . Steam Engine ; 8-horse power Expansion Portable Engine, with Enlarged Firebox; 8-horse power PortableCombinedThrashing and Corn Dressing Machine, to prepare corn for market. (599)

EDWARDS, G. B., High House, Bredfield, Woodbridge.Drills for dropping beetroot seed in tufts or bunches ; Drills for dry manure. (600)

CLARK BROTHERS & ODLING Kirke White Street, Nottingham.Beaters for Thrashing Machines ; Malleable Iron Castings. (601)

LEWIN, S., Poole, Dorsetshire . Steam Engines, portable, fixed, and marine; Thrashing Machines and Elevators; Waggon Loader, Ploughs, and Circular Saw Bench ; Portable Engine, 4-horse power, similar to the above-mentioned, with Thrashing Machine suitable for such engine; Strong and Simple Chaff Cutter. (602)

BARFORD & PERKINS, Queen Street Iron Works, Peterborough.Corn Grind­ing Mills, Oil Cake Mills, Rollers ; Steam Cooking Apparatus; Models of Road- roller, Steam Plough, and Campains Anchor for Steam Cultivation. (603)

FOSTER, W., & COMPANY, Wel­lington Foundry, Lincoln.Eight horse Port­able Steam Engine ; Portable Thrashing Machine. (604)

REID, B., & COMPANY, Bon- Accord Works, Aberdeen . 11-row Patent Disc Corn and Seed Drill; 10-feet

Patent Disc Broadcast Sower, with Axle for transport; Winnower and Corn-dressing Machine; Patent 3-row Combined Beetroot and Manure Drill; Beetroot Raiser; Model of Wire Suspension Bridge, and Straining Pillar for Wire Fences; Models. (605)

READING IRON WORKS (Limited), Reading, Berkshire. Fixed Steam Engine of 25-horse power, fitted with Condenser and variable Expansive Valve ; fixed Engines of 10, 4, and 2-horse power; Portable Engine with special economic arrangements ; Combined Steam Power Thrashing Machine; Horse Power Thrashing Machine for three light horses ; Patent Safety Cylindrical Horse Worker; Hand Power Thrashing Machine, &c. (447)

{See also Group XIII.)

DAVEY, PAXMAN & COMPANY, Standard Ironworks, Colchester.Patent Ver­tical Engine, known as theDavey-Paxman Engine, with Boiler, Baffle Plate to regulate draught, and Water Tank Healer; Patent Steam Corn Dryer. (Boiler lent to Royal Commissioners for use.) (608)

PAGE, E., & COMPANY, Victoria Iron Works, Bedford .Ploughs, Harrows, Horse Rakes, Root Pulpers, Oat and Maize Mills, Oil Cake Mill. &c. (609)

(See also Group XIII.)

MURRAY, G. W., Banff, Scotland. Thrashing Machines for horse and hand- power ; Endless Chain Pump for lifting thick and other liquids ; Horse Gear Double - furrow Plough, and combined Plough and Subsoiler, on antifriction wheels; Fencing Wire Straining Brackets for wood and iron posts. (610)

(See also Group VII., and Appendix.)

NALDER & NALDER (Limited), Challozv Ironworks, Wantage, Berkshire . Combined Steam-power Thrashing and Dressing Machine for preparing grain for market. (611)

BURGESS & KEY, Holborn Valley Viaduct, London.Reaping Machine for two horses, invented by Air. C. McCormick of the United States of America, and made by exhibitors, delivers the corn, when cut in sheafs, clear of horses feet; these machines are also adapted for light horses or bullocks.