Catalogue of tiie British Section.


BAKER, T., Whitewall Iron Works, ^ Compton, Berks.Double Blast Corn Dress­ing and Winnowing Machine, with six Wire Sieves to suit different descriptions of Corn.

( 6 i 3 )

BRIGHAM & COMPANY, Tweed Implement Works, Berwick-on-Tweed.Mow­ing Machine, theStar, 17/. ioj. ; Reap­ing Machines; Self-acting Improved Excelsior, 34/. (237)


Philosophical, Surgical Instruments.

Mathematical, Astronomical, Physical, and Chemical Instruments (Instruments for Measuring, Weighing, and Dividing, for Optical Purposes and Electric Telegraphy). Surgical Instruments and Apparatus (Artificial Limbs, Teeth, &c.). Horological Instruments, Clocks, Watches, and their Parts (Chronoscopes, Chronographs, Electric Clocks). Statistics of Production.

COOKE, T., & SONS, Buckingham Works, York.Portable Equatorial Tele­scopes on Tripod Stands. Theodolite and Engineers Levels. Large Clocks for use of Royal Commission. (621)

PILLISCHER, M., 88, New Road Street, London. Microscopes and their Appliances ; Telescopes ; Field and Opera Binocular Glasses; Meteorological Stand­ard Istruments; Aneroid Barometers and Barometrographs; Mathematical, Philoso­phical, Electrical and Surveying Instruments; Magnetic Compasses; Scales and Rules; Spectacles and Eyeglasses. [Rotunda.] (622)

(See also Group VII.)

SIEMENS BROTHERS, 3, Great George Street, Westminster.Telegraph Ap­paratus and Materials; Tubular Iron and Wooden Poles with Insulators; Voltameter, with Pyrometer; Electrical Apparatus for deep sea measurements; Electrical Alarums; Lightning Discharger; Mine and Torpedo Exploding Apparatus ; Electrical Batteries; Deep Sea Thermometers; Pneumatic Signal Apparatus ; Submarine Cable Specimens ; India-rubber and Gutta-percha in stages of manufacture, &c. (623)

HOOPERS TELEGRAPH WORKS (Limited), 31, Lombard Street, London, Works : West Ham, Mitcham, Surrey, and Millwall Docks, London.Submarine Telegraph Cables, and Telegraph Materials and Apparatus; India-rubber Core, for sub­marine and other lines. (627)

AHRENS, Bernhard, 24, Lud- gale Hill, London.Electro-magnetic Bil­liard Marker, Scorer, Indicator, and Detec­tor. (628)

RABONE, J., & SON, Whitmore Street, Hockley, Birmingham.Rules in Box­wood, Ivory, Brass, and Steel; Plumb and Spirit Levels; Measuring Tapes; Joiners Squares, Bevels, Surveyors Land Chains.

( 6 3 <>)

(See Appendix.)

THE INDIA RUBBER, GUTTA PERCHA & TELEGRAPH WORKS, COMPANY (Limited), Silveriown, Essex, and 100, Cannon Street, London.India Rubber and Gutta Percha Manufactures; Submarine and Torpedo Telegraph Cable ; Insulated Telegraph Wires. (775)

(See also Group VI.)