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Catalogue of the British Section.


The Navy.

Materials for Naval Architecture. Models and Drawings of Boats and Ships for Inland* Lake and River Navigation; Sea-going Ships, Coasting Vessels, Merchant Ships, and Ships of War, Stores and Fittings for Equipment, Outfit, and Armament of Ships- Tools and Apparatus used in Shipbuilding. Land and Waterworks for Navigation (Models and Drawings of Docks, Harbours, Sluices, Floating Docks, Floating Batteries, and Coast Defences). Clothing, Outfit, and Accommodations for Crews. Hydrography, Charts, Meteorological Instruments ; Education of Seamen and Officers.

DENNY, W., & BROTHERS, Dum­barton.Sectional Model of Spanish Royal Mail SteamShipA.Lopez. [Rotunda.] (670)

MARTIN, Claude, 9, Great Winchester Street, London.Model of Stern of Ironclad Vessel, with Patent Self-canting Anchor and Zig-zag Link Chain Cable. (671)

SMITH, Wasteneys, 22, Grey Street, Neivcaslle-.on- 7 y?ie.Anchors known as Pa­tent StocklessModel of Ships Stem fitted with the same, and with Patent Appa­ratus for working and stowing anchors, and Harford and Co.s Patent Frictional Brake and Connector Windlass. (672)

WILSON, J. H. & COMPANY, Cornhill, Liverpool. Steam Winch and Hoist. (673)

(See also Group XIII.)

LAIRD, BROTHERS, Birkenhead Ironworks, Birkenhead. Ship Models. Royal British Navy, PI.M.S. Wyvern, Steam Ram, with tripod masts. Royal Dutch Navy, Heiligerlee, Turret Monitor, and De Stier, Steam Ram, for coast defence. Brazilian Navy,Bahia, Turret Monitor. Pacific Steam Navigation Companys Steamers, Britannia, of 3,700 tons, 650 horse-power, andSanta Rosa, of 2,250 tons, 400 horse-power,Cranborne, of the Indus Steam Flotilla, River Steamer of 100 tons, built of steel, drawing only two feet of water. Steam Launch for carrying Troops and one Gun.Lancashire Witch, Schooner

Yacht, with Auxiliary Engines. More Vane, Screw Pleasure Launch. [Rotunda.}'


KYNASTON, Mrs. C. M., The Close, Lichfield.Boat Lowering Apparatus.

( 6 75 >

PALMERS SHIP BUILDING AND IRON COMPANY, Jarrow-on-the- Tyne. Models of Ships; Screw Steamer Jumna, built for the British Government; Screw Steamer Montana, built for Messrs. Green and Co., Liverpool ; Screw Steamer Brindisi; Two Half Models. [Rotunda.]'


REED, E. J., C.B., Earle's Ship­building Company, Hull.Model of a Broad­side Ironclad Ship,KonigWilhelm. (238)

LUMLEY, Henry, (Chevalier) Associate of the Institute of Naval Archi­tects, 20, Bury Street, St. Jajtics's, and 31, A/. James's Street, Piccadilly, London.Model of Lumley Rudder for River Steamboats, or Canal Navigation, on Exhibitors Second System. (679)

WALKER FORGED SCREW & BOLT COMPANY, Low Walker, near New- castle-on-Tyne.Patent Forged Screws. (677)

[See also Group VII.) ^

ARMSTRONG, SirW. G., & COM­PANY, Elsivick Works, Navcastlc-on-Tyne . Model of H.M. Gunboat Staunch. (561)

[See also Groups XIII. and XVI.)