Group XVI.The Art of War.

HENRY RIFLED BARRELCOM- PANY, Blenheim Works, Eagle Wharf Road, London.Steel Barrels for Small Arms and for the Gatling Gun, rifled on the Henry System, adopted by the British War De­partment for the Martini-Henry Rifle and the Gatling Gun, shown in various stages of manufacture; Cotton Gunpowder (Imita­tion)Punshons Patent. (660)

SOPER, W., 23, Friars Street, Read- j ing. Breech-loading Rifles, which have ; been loaded and fired sixty times in one j minute. (660

WEBLEY, P., & SON, 82, 83, and ! 84, Weaman Street, Birmingham, and St. \ James's, London. Breech-loading Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers, on various systems and of different qualities. (662)

LEVESON, Major, 22, King Street, Covent Garden, London. Military Tents, Appliances, and Equipments; Sanitary Con­trivances. (663)

BROWNING, Johx, hi, Minories, & 63, Strand, L.ondon.Improved Binocular Field Glasses in Aluminium, Field Tele­scopes. Exhibited as part of Major Leve- sons Collection. (663')

EDGINGTON, John, & COM­PANY, 48, I'Ong Iuine, West Smilhfield, London.Military Camp Tent, for three men, called the Old Shekarry Campaigning Tent. Military Hospital Marquee, 40 ft. by 20 ft. (used for the exhibition of Major Levesons collection). ( 2 33)

{See a Iso Group VI.)

GARDNER, John, & SONS, 453 and 454, West Strand, Charing Cross, London. Lamps and Cooking Utensils for Military Service (shown in Major Levesons Tent).


MURCOTT, Theophilus, 68, Hay- market, London.Military Arms, &c. (678)

{See also Group VII. and Appendix.)

FAGG BROTHERS, 29, Haymarket, London.Boots, Patent, for Cavalry, with spurs, chairs, and straps ; Hunting, Riding, Shooting, and Dress Boots. (679a)

LEWIS, George Edward, 32 and 33, T.owcr L.oveday Street, Birmingham . Snider Breechloader, with bolt action, for military purposes; Improved Chassepot Rifle for metallic cartridges, W. Scotts

patent; Cross-bolt Military Rifle, new system W. Scott, patentee. (664)

(See also Group VII.)

VAVASSEUR, J., & COMPANY, London Ordnance Works, Bear L.atie, South­wark, London.Cannon, built-up, cast steel breech and muzzle-loading; Iron Gun Carriages for Naval and Field Service; Projectiles for Breech and Muzzle-Loading Guns ; MEvoys Torpedoes, Electric Fuzes and Apparatus ; Jointers for Electric Cables.


ARMSTRONG, Sir W. G., & COM- PANY, Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne . Breech-loading Rifled Guns, with Carriages, &c.; Muzzle-loading ditto ; Gatling Guns with ten barrels ; Sixty-four Pounder Palliser Converted Rifled Gun on Carriage ; Breech and Muzzle-loading Rifled Guns on Garrison Carriages ; Parts of Guns in various stages of manufacture; Series of Electrical Torpedoes, with connections complete; Model of the Moncrieff Gun-carriage for 9-inch Gun ; Model of 35-ton Muzzle-loading Rifled Gun; Fuzes, Bursters, &c., for Rifled Guns; Corrugated Zinc Powder Cases for 9 and 10-inch Cartridges. (561)

(See also Groups AY//, and XVII.')

MAYO, C., M.D., Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London.Sling Apparatus, in form of a cart, for trans­porting severely wounded men; intended chiefly for use between field hospitals and railways, and to reduce the number of men and amount of materiel required for field- hospital service. (666)

UNITE, John, 291, Edgware Road, London.Military Bell Tent. (232)

{See also Group VI.)

ATKINS, F. H., & COMPANY, 62, Fleet Street, London.India Filter Carts ; Barrack Filters (shown in Major Levesons Tent). (663*)

ADAMS & COMPANY (Limited), 391, Strand, London.Cavalry and Infantry Revolvers (shown in Major Levesons Tent).


DAW, G. H., 57, Threadneedle Street, London. Military Cartridges (shown in Major Levesons Tent). ' (663*)

MINSHULL & COMPANY, Tich- borne Street, London.Military Trunks and Camp Gear (shown in Major Levesons Tent). (663*)