J 34

Catalogue of the British Section.


This collection has for its object to illustrate practically, as well as statistically, the nature and extent of the Imports of Raw Material into the Kingdom of Great Britain. As far as practicable, specimens have been procured, which show the general quality of each substance, and the varieties which are originated in different localities ; at the same time, the scientific names of the producing animals or plants being generally attached to the articles, will give an interest alike to the man of science and the merchant. The large labels, in addition to a description of the group of substances to which they refer, contain also the statistical information which our Trade-returns show annually, and as these returns arc never quite completed until the middle of the year, it has been decided to exhibit the Imports of 1871 instead of 1872, as more accurate information could be obtained of the former than of the latter. The various important firms, without whose help such a collec­tion would have been impossible, have spared neither time nor trouble in aiding the collector, and in many instances these contributions represent considerable money value; and they have helped the more readily, because it has been suggested, that the collection, at the close of the Exhibition, should be left in the Austrian capital, as a contribution to any Polytechnic Institution which may be selected to receive it.

ROYAL BRITISH COMMIS­SION OF THE VIENNA UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION OF 1873, 41, Parliament Street, London. Collection of British Im­ports, collected and arranged by Professor Archer. (740^)

SAMUELSON, E., Liverpool . Tobaccos. (74°'"')

(See also Group IV.)

SWAN BROTHERS, Kirkcaldy, N.B.Baltic Flax. (740*)

(See also Group II.)

MINIER, NASH, & NASH, Lon­don.Flower Roots. (74°-^)

(See also Group II.)

HAZEON, Thomas, & COM­PANY, Lscadcnhall Street, London.Hone and other Stones for Sharpening Tools, &c.

( 740 # )

(See also Group IX. and Appendix.)

BOWES, J. L. & BROTHER, Liverpool.Wools. (74°*)

(Sec also Group II.)

MATTHEWS, J., & COMPANY, Liverpool.Oils and Drysalteries. (740*)

(Ses also Group III.)

BENCKE & SHARMAN, Liverpool. Fibres, various. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

T. C. A.

STEAD BROTHERS, Liverpool. Cotton Wool. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

HUBBUCIv, }., Liver pool.Samples of Foreign Grain and Breadstuffs imported into Liverpool. (74°*)

(See also Group IV.)


BOSTOCIC & ABINGTON, 20, James Street, Liverpool.Hops. (740^)

(See also Gioup IV.)

NEWTON, KEATES, & COM­PANY, Liverpool.Metallic Ores. (740*)

(See also Group I.)

BANNER, Samuel, Liverpool . Petroleum Spirit and Oils ; Rosin, Turpen­tine, Cotton Seed Oil, and Olive Oil. (740*)

(See also Group III.)

BRANCKER, J. B., Liverpool. Colonial Sugars and Coffees. (74°*)

(Sec also Group IV.)

BARUCHSON, Arnold, & COM­PANY, Loridon, Liverpool, and Greenock . Beetroot Sugar, imported from France, Belgium, Germany, and Austria. (74°*)

(See also Group IV.)

TOBIN, J. A., Liverpool.African Oil Seeds. (74°*)

(See also Group III.)