Additional Exhibitions.

J 3S

McANDREWS & COMPANY, Liverpool.Dried Fruits and Nuts. (740*)

(See also Group IV.)

JOHNSTONE, S. P., Liverpool. Brazilian Sugar. (74°*)

(See also Group IV.)

SINGLE PI URST, R., & COM­PANY, Liverpool .Brazilian Fruits. (740*)

(See also Group IV.)

DARBYSHIRE, McKINNELL & COMPANY, Liverpool.Series of Animal Products, imported into Great Britain from the River Plate, South America. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

NEILSON, H., Liverpool. South American Cotton. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

HOW & BARCLAY, Liverpool. Cocoas. (74°*)

(See also Grvup IV.)

EVANS, LESCHER & EVANS, 60, Bartholomew Close, London ; and EVANS, SONS & COMPANY, Liverpool .Collec­tion of the Substances imported into Great

Britain, for Medicinal purposes. (740*)

(See also Group III.)

PIESSE & LUBIN, London. Per­fumes. (74°*)

(See also Group III. and Appendix.)

LEWIS & PEAT, London .Drugs,

Gums, Drysalteries, and Colonial Produce.

( 740 *)

(See also Groups II. and III.)

MEYERS & DAVIS, 56, Southwark Street, London.Canes, Sticks, and Rattans in the rough, for walking and umbrella sticks, furniture, and fishing-rods. (740*)

(See also Group II. and Appendix.)

ROSE & WILSON, London.Oil Seeds and Oils. * (74°*)

(See also Group III.)


(Sec also Group III.)

MYERS, M., Lo?idon.Ivory, Tor­toiseshell, Shells, &c. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

WIGAN & Co., London,Isin­glass. (740*)

(See also Group II.)

PATRY & PASTEUR, London. Indigo. (740*)

(See also Group II.)

ANDRADE, De Costa, & COM­PANY, 7. Cripplegate, London. Feathers for Ornament.74°*)

(See also Group V.)

HEAL & SON, London. Bed- feathers. (74°*)

(See also Groups II. and VIII.)

GARDINER, Joseph, & COM PANY, London.Hard Woods. (740*)

(See also Group II.)

BURKE & COMPANY, London. Marbles. (74°*)

(See also Group IX.)

JOHNSON, MATTHEY & COM­PANY, London.Metals. (74°*)

(See also Groups /., ///., and Appendix.)

FORTNUM, MASON & COM­PANY, 182, Piccadilly, London. Tea, Coffee, Foreign Pickles, Nuts, Preserved Fruits and Vegetables, and various foreign products. (74°*)

(See also Group IV.)

EATON, H. W., & SONS, 33, Old Broad Street, London. Silk, raw, thrown, spun, and waste, and cocoons.


(See also Groups II. and V.)

GORDON, J.,& COMPANY, Liver­pool.Cotton Wool. (740*)

(See also Group II.)

SMITH, R. M., Leith. Flax, Tow, and other fibres; Baltic Grain and Pulse.

(74o # )

(See also Groups II. and IV.)

BROTCILIE, R, & COMPANY Leith.Chicory. (740*)

(See also Group IV.)