Catalogue of the British Section'.

COWAN, A., & SONS, Pennicuich, near Edinburgh .Paper Materials. (740*)

(See also Group XI.)

CUNNINGH AM, J. & J., 102, West Bow, Edinburgh .Collection of Oil- Cakes and Manures imported into Great Britain. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

LAWSON SEED & NURSERY COMPANY, Edinburgh. Collection of Agricultural Seeds imported into Great Britain. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

HUME, John, Edinburgh. Bristles. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

McLEAN & HOPE, Leith .Paper Materials. (74°*)

(See also Group XI.)

DUNDEE SEAL & WHALE FISHING COMPANY (David Bruce, Manager), Dundee.Whalebone, Narwhal Horn, Oils, &c. (74°*)

(See also Group II.)

KEILLER & SONS, Dundee. Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel. (740*)

(See also Group IV.)

GILROY, BROTHERS, Dundee. Jute. (74o # )

(See also Group II.)

PATENT PLUMBAGO CRU­CIBLE COMPANY, Battersea, London . Plumbago. (74°*)

(See also Groups I. a?id VII.)

BAILDON, H. C.,73, Prince'sStreet, Edinburgh .Mineral Waters, imported into Great Britain from the continent of Europe, with salts derived from them; two specimens of American Mineral Waters. (74°*)

(See also Groitp III.)

HARRIS, S. & H., 57, Mansell Street, London .Sponges from Turkey and the Bahamas. (74°*)

(See also Group II. and Appendix.)

EDINBURGH ROPERY COM­PANY, LeithHemp and other Fibres.

( 740 *)

(See also Group II.)

FERGUSON, Alexander, Mel­bourne Place, Edinburgh.Spices. (740*)

(See also Group IV.)

ARCHER, John Knight, Liverpool .Dye Woods. (740*)

(See also Group II.)

Exhibition of the Use of Waste

MOND, Ludwig, Fai-nworth, near Warrington .Drawing and Specimens illus- trtiting the manufacture of Sulphur from AJkali Waste, and of Cement from Desul­phurized Waste. (741)

SIMMONDS, Peter Lund, 29, Cheapside, London .A Collection showing the economic and industrial uses of Wastes and Residues. The Waste Products shown are ranged under three divisions, Vegetable, Animal, and Mineral. Nos. 1 to 43 series exhibiting the several stages of the utilisation of Cotton Waste, contributed by Mr. R. Thatcher, Oldham. 44 to 70, Illustra­tions of the use of Cocoa-nut Husk Fibre, for Yarn, Rope, Matting, Brushes, &c., from Mr. T. Treloar, Ludgate Hill, London. 71 to 77, Uses of Rattans, &c., in Fibre and Mats, from the Oriental Fibre Matting

Materials and their Products.

Company, Highworth, Wilts. 77 to 88, Uses of Waste Vegetable Substances in Brushmaking. 89 to 97, Uses of the Fibrous Bark of Wild Nettles (species of Urtica and Boehmenia), for China Grass, Yarn, and Thread. 98 to 105, Utilisation of Pine Wood, for Papermaking. Illustrative series of Chemical process, from Mr. E. B. Houghton, 41, Borough Road, London. 106 to 137, Waste Vegetable Substances used for Papermaking. 138 to 153, Sorted Rags, for Paper, classified, contributed by Messrs. J. Dickinson & Co., Old Bailey, London. 154 to 164, Papers made from various waste materials. 165 to 171, Uses of Esparto Grass, for Papermaking, Cordage, and other purposes. 172 to 209, Silk-Cotton Downs, and other Wild Vegetable Sub­stances, for Upholstery Stuffing, Packing, and other purposes. 210 to 233, uses of Wild