

BABU SRIDHUR SAHI, ZEMINDAR OF MAUJHA.Paintings, in tempera, on paper.


NORTH - WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Paintings on Talc, illustrative of Native Festivals, Trades, Conveyances, &c., from Benares. (230234)

LAJA LAM, Delhi, (881); ISMAIL KHAN, Delhi, (882887); ZOOLPCAR ALI, Delhi, (888); Miniatures on Ivory, per se , and mounted on the lids of ebony and sandal-wood boxes.

INDIA MUSEUM, London .Paintings from Jeypore, and Collection of rough Oil Paintings on subjects in Hindu Mythology (from the London Ex­hibition of 1871).

KIPLING, J. S Bombay .Series of Sketches of the Craftsmen of North Western India (from the London Exhibition of 1871).

KIPLING, J. S., Botnbay .Series of Sketches of Cotton Cultivation in Western India, and of the

leading Members of the Marathe Village System in the Cotton Districts (from the London Exhibition of 1872).

GRIFFITHS, J., Bombay . Collection or Sketches, illustrating the mode of wearing Garments by the inhabitants of the Deccan and Konkan (from the London Exhibition of 1872).

FONCECA, J. J., Madras .Eight Water- colour Sketches (from the London Exhibition of 1872).


MADRAS COMMITTEE.Works written in Telugu characters on Kajan leaves, from Madras.

( 1554 . 1555 )

LEITNER, Dr., Lahore .Various Persian, Turki, Arabic, Sanscrit and other Manuscripts, in­cluding Persian Manuscripts containing the works of ten authors, beautifully illuminated. (889901)



BOMBAY COMMITTEE. Cradle and Childrens Toys. (6268)

BENGAL COMMITTEE.Various Articles used in a Hindoo nursery, as Bedding, Clothing, Toys, Cooking Utensils, Physic, &c., &c.; Sta­tionery and Reading Books used by the children of Bengal. (144)


BOMBAY COMMITTEE.Books and Papers in various languages, Marathi Maps, and a set of fifty-two Vernacular and Anglo-Vernacular News­papers, published within the Bombay Presidency. Various Articles of Clothing worked and embroidered as specimens of Needlework from girls schools. Photographs of Classes from different schools, and of various Educational and other Institutions.

( 1 30 )

NORTH - WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Specimens of School-work as re­sults of Education, such as Woollen Rugs, Fans, Baskets, Fancy-work, Needlework, &c.; Specimens of plain and ornamental Hand-writing, Paintings on Talc, educational Appliances as Maps, Globes, &c.

(281289, 304306)


The following Articles from the India Museum belong to the educational collection originally sent to the London Exhibition of 1871.

MADRAS LOCAL COMMITTEE. Col­lection of Writing Boards and Writing Materials, Book-rests, &c., used in indigenous vernacular schools (25382539, 2587, 2589, 25912592);

Collection of Tamil Letters, written on Palmyra leaves (2596) ; Writing by girls of the London Mission Schools, Madras (2420) ; Specimens of Persian and Hindustani Writing, and Writing-paper, from Madras (2598) ; Specimens of School-work as examples of results of teaching (26022615); Collection of printed Tamil and Telugu Text Books, used in indigenous vernacular schools (2586); Col­lection of Text Books in Telugu, used in the Christian Vernacular Education Society or other missionary schools, Madras (2578); Collection of Text Books in the Tamil and Telugu languages, illustrating the standard of study in government schools in the Madras Presidency (25712572); Collection of Canarese Books of the Educational Department, Madras, used in government schools (2574); Col­lection of vernacular Text Books, to illustrate the standard of study in government schools for Mo- hamedans (2575); Collection of English Books used in mission schools, Madras (2576); Collection of Tamil Text Books used in the Christian Vernacular Education Society and other missionary schools ( 2 577 ) i Collection of Malayalam and Canarese Text