Catalogue of the British Section.


Books to illustrate the course of study followed in the German missionary and other schools on the Malabar coast (2579, 2580); Collection of Text Books to illustrate the standard of study for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th classes of a Zillah school, Madras (25662570); Collection of Text Books, illustrating the standard required for the first exami­nation in arts, the degree of Bachelor of Arts, B.A., and the matriculation examination respectively of the Madras University. The calendar of the University for 1870-1. (2563, 2582, 2565)

MURDOCH, John, Madras. Catalogue of the Christian Vernacular Literature of India. (2583)

MADRAS SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL ART.Annual Report, Drawing Lessons, and Drawings of Architectural Ornaments.

(2422, 2423,1646, 2418)

EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT, Bom­bay.Paris, or Writing Boards, Mahomedan Toys, School Exercises, &c.

(2326, 2330, 2332, 2350, 2351, 3808)

BOMBAY LOCAL COMMITTEE.San­skrit Classics for the use of high schools and colleges; Bombay University Calendar; Sets of Examination Papers from the Bombay University and the Engineering College, Poona; Engineering Drawings. (2346, 2347, 3791, 3800)

TERRY, G. W., Sir Jamsetjee Jcejeebhoy School of Art y Bombay.Series of Architectural Drawings from Ambemath Temple ; a series of Deco­rative Architectural Panels in water colours and oil colours, by pupils of the School of Art.


BENGAL LOCAL COMMITTEE.A Col- lection of Inkstands (earthenware, copper, brass, &c.) from Bengal. (1999, 2001, 2003, 2041)

LONG, Rev. J., Bengal.A Cocoa-nut Globe.


BENGAL LOCAL COMMITTEE.Speci­mens of Caligraphy, Translation, Composition, Maps and Drawings by students of the lower vernacular Government schools and of the aided schools in the Dacca district. (3372, 3373, 2034, 2038, 2039)

PUNDIT RAM JASUR OF BENARES. Sbri Sikhsha, a series of Hindi books for female schools. (34^t)

H.IL THE MAHARAJAH OF BHURT- PORE.Map of India, in Hindi-Persian, by Birjbullub, student of Bhurtpore College; Oordoo and Hindi Books. (3607, 3608, 3610)

KEMPS ON, M., Director of Public Instruc- tiony North - West Provinces. - Specimens of Cali­graphy and Maps ; Collection of Educational Works in English, and Urdu and Hindi-English Vocabu- lanes. (3055, 3550, 3659, 3671)

RAJAH JYE KISHEN DOSS, C.S.I., Ally- ghur.Specimens of Caligraphy. (3°53)

PRINCIPAL OF GOVERNMENT COL­LEGE, Agra.Specimens of Caligraphy. (3056)

JOHNSON, Rev. J. S., Shahjehanpore . Fifth Annual Report of the Missions Stations of the Methodist Episcopal Church. (3°54)

THOMASON ClVIL ENGINEERING COL­LEGE, Roorkee.Calendar and Indian Engineering Papers (from the London Exhibition of 1872), by Capt. A. M. Lang, RE.; Professional Papeis on Surveying, published by Lieut. F. Firebrace, R.E., at Seharunpore. (43°743°9)

PUNJAB LOCAL COMMITTEE.Writing Boards, Reading Desk and Portfolio from the Punjab; Multiplication Tables and Account-book from the Punjab Schools. (722, 723, 725, 744, 750,


GOVERNMENTEDUCATIONAL PRESS, Lahore.Maps and Persian Primer. (717, 743, 752)

PUNJAB LOCAL COMMITTEE.Speci­mens of Handwriting from the Punjab Schools ; Specimens of Pushtoo (Afghan), Persian, Nagri (Hindi), Gurumkhi and Arabic Caligraphy ; Speci­mens of Writing and Embossing done with the finger nail; Teachers Book ; Scheme of Studies for Zillah Schools, Punjab. (753, 754, 772, 773, 776, 726

738, 740, 741)

NORMAL SCHOOL, Umritsur. Map of the Punjab, by Imam-ud-din. (7 21 )

GOVERNMENT OF OUDH. Various Educational Appliances (as Writing Implements, Celestial Globe, &c.) from Oudh; Specimens of Handwriting, Composition, Mapping, &c., from Government and indigenous schools of Oudh.

(i379n8i, 1402, 1426, 1441, 1550, 1559, 1620, 1683, 1689, 1729, 17601769, J772, 1779)

HEAD-MASTER OF NORMAL SCHOOL, Lucknow. Native Astronomical Instruments from Oudh. (13751378)

HEAD-MASTER OF OONAO SCHOOL, Oudh.Native Astronomical and other Instruments.


MUNSHI NAWUL KISHORE, Oudh. Lithographed Maps; Specimens of Holiday Presents.

(14371440, 380;

BABU SITAL PERSCHAD GUPT, School- mastery Oudh.Models of Water-Wheel, Steam Engine, and Locomotive Engine. Made by the Exhibitor. (17791781)

GOVERNMENT OF OUDH.The Cur­ricula followed in the village schools (primary edu­cation), and the vernacular and Anglo-vernacular schools of Oudh. 0433 1 435)

MUNSHI NAWUL KISHORE, Oudh. Curriculum of Anglo-vernacular Zillah schools, Oudh. (1436)

EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT, Central Provinces.Writing Materials ; Educational Books and Appliances. (999, 1006, 10011003, 1027, 1028)

MYSORE LOCAL COMMITTEE. Re­ports on the High School of Bangalore for 1869, and