

on Public Instruction in Mysore for 186970; Speci­mens of Writing in various languages by boys of the High School of Bangalore; Cloth Book used as a slate in the Native Schools of Mysore.

(i960, 1963,1965)

BURMAH LOCAL COMMITTEE.Educa­tional Works and Appliances from Burmah.

(2072, 2073, 2074)

SIND LOCAL COMMITTEE.Educational Works and Appliances from Sind.

(3842, 3885, 3886, 3 8 753 88 °)

BERAR LOCAL COMMITTEE.Speci­mens of Penmanship, Composition, Mapping, &c., by pupils of various schools in Berar ; a Globe made by Wamum Trimbah, Schoolmaster, Akolah, Berar; Marathi Verses in praise of Her Majesty and of the International Exhibition of 1871, by Naro Ragaunath, Schoolmaster, Akolah, Berar. (913928)

HYDERABAD LOCAL COMMITTEE. Specimens of Writing, Exercises, &c., by pupils of schools in Hyderabad and Sukkur; Plans of Build­ings, from the Hyderabad Engineering School.

(3900, 3906, 3869, 3870)

PHOTOGRAPHS AND DRAWINGS RE­FERRING TO THE EDUCATIONAL COL­LECTION FROM ALL PARTS OF INDIA, TWENTY FRAMES.Schools of Art in India {Frames 1 5, 11, 13); School Buildings in India (69); Modes of punishment used in native schools in India (10, 18); Burmese Monasteries (12) ; Native modes of gymnastic exercises (14); Groups of Scho­lars and Teachers from various parts of India (15, 17); Schools, Buildings, and groups of Scholars from various parts of India (16); Thomason Civil En­gineering College Press, Roorkee, North-West ProvincesLithographs (10, 20).


NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Astronomical and other Instru­ments; the Bibliotheca Indica and other Works (290303); 256 Publications on Education from the North-West Provinces Government Press. (280)

Dr. LEITNER, Lahore . Illuminated Ad­dresses in Urdu, &c.; Specimens of Native Hand­writing and Toe-writing, See .; Specimens of Printing, See .; Maps of the Punjab Frontier, Dardistan, Central Asia, &c. A Set of the Exhibitors Works in various languages, printed in India.

The folloiving Articles from the India Museum belong to the educational collection originally sent to the london Exhibition of 1871.

MADRAS LOCAL COMMITTEE.Speci­mens of Types, Letters, Printing, Bookbinding, &c., from all parts of the Madras Presidency (1592 (72),

2596, 2599); Popular vernacular Reading Books to illustrate the efforts made by the Madras School Book and Vernacular Literature Society to provide instruction and amusing vernacular works for private reading; various other books (2581,2601); Collec­tion of native Newspapers and Educational Journal to illustrate the progress of native Newspapers in the Madras Presidency. ( 2 597)

ABDUS SARNAT, Madras .Specimen of Illuminated Persian Caligraphy. (2556)

MURDOCK, John.Classified Catalogue of Tamil Printed Books. ( 2 5 8 4)

GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY.Travels in England, by Karsandas Mulji in Guzerathi; A Treatise 011 Materia Medica, by Narayon Daji, in Marathi; a Dictionary of Sanscrit Roots in Sanscrit and Marathi, by Vishnu Parashuram Shastri Pandit; an old Zend-Pahlavi Glossary, by Destur Hoshengje Tamaspje, High Priest of the Parsis in Malva, India, edited by Martin Haug, Ph.D. (3800)

EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT, Bombay. Time Tables and a Puranic Map of the World (379 2 > 3799) ; Collection of Anglo-vernacular and vernacular Newspapers. (3801)

BENGAL LOCAL COMMITTEE.Variou, Manuscripts, Maps, Books, Specimens of Caligraphys See., from all parts of Bengal (1990, 2029, 2037, 2048,

3371,3374.39^5 (72), 3966 (72), 3969 (72), 3969

(72), 4870 (72), 4883 (72); a Collection of News­papers and Books printed in Bengal (3950 (72); Universal Sun-dial, made by Mangrum, native student and citizen of Patna. (1998)

BABOO ROMANATH TAGORE, Bengal. Collection of the Alphabets cf all the Languages in use in India. (3377)

RAM CHUNDER CHUCKERBUTTY BROS., Calcutta .Specimens of Lithography.




PRINCIPAL OF ST. JOHNS COLLEGE, Agra.Original Composition in Sanscrit and trans­lation from Arabic. (3°5 8 )

KEMPS ON, M., Director of Public Instruc­tion , North - West Provinces .A trilingual and other Dictionaries ; Copy of Social Reformer, edited by Ahmad Khan Bahadur. (3472, 3473)

SYAD AHMAD KHAN BAHADUR. Essays on the life of Mohammed, by Exhibitor. (3485)

H.H. THE MAHARAJAH OF BENARES.Various Astronomical Instruments.


H.H. THE MAHARAJAH OF BHURT- PORE. Map of England in Hindi, lithographed at Bhurtpore. (3609)

SHEIK BAICHA.Urdoo Work on Esti­mating, published at Seharunpore by Exhibitor.

(4321 (72)