Group XIII.General Machinery.



General Machinery.

Prime Movers (Steam Generators, Steam-Engines, Water-Wheels, Turbines, Pressure-Engines, Air, Wind, and Electro-Magnetic Engines, Gas Machines). Machines for Transmitting Power (Shafts, Wheels, Pulleys, Bands, &c.). Machines for Working Special kinds of Materials (Machines for Mining, Metallurgy, Metal Work, and Wood Work ; Machines for Spinning, Weaving, Knitting Sewing, and Embroidering ; Machines for Fulling, Cleansing, Shearing, Dyeing ; Machines for Bleaching, Leather-Dressing, &c.; Machines for Paper Manufactures and Bookbinding, for Type-Founding, Printing, Lithography, Copper-Plate Printing, Colour Printing, &c.; Machines and Apparatus for Sugar-Making, Oil Manufacture, Breweries, Distilleries, Stearine, Soap, Candles, Starch, Ice-Making, Match-Making, Corn Mills, and Agricultural Machinery and Apparatus). Other Machinery not belonging to the above-mentioned (Blast Engines, Fire Engines, Pumps, Ventilators, &c.). Materials and Parts of Machinery. Railway Machinery (Locomotives, Tenders, Railway Velocipedes and parts of them, Railway Carriages and parts composing them, Special Machinery and Apparatus for Railway Workshops and Railway Contrivances ; for making and maintaining Railway Plant; Snow Ploughs, &c.). Steam Gauges, Dynamometers, Tradiometers, &c. All sorts of Vehicles not concerned with Rail. Statistics of Production.

PENN, John, & SONS, Greenwich. I Model of Pair of Trunk Engines, of 1,350 horse-power, nominal, as fitted to H.M. iron-clad ships, Minotaur andNorth­umberland. (440)

POWIS, Charles, & CO., Cyclops Works, Millwall Pier, and 60, Gracechurch- slreet,Lo 7 idon.Twenty-horse Power Double Cylinder Steam Engine; Steam Crane; Wood­working Machinery. (441)

HOWARD, J. & F., Bedford. Patent Safety Steam Boiler. (442)

(See also Group XIIla.)

DERHAM, John J., Blackburn . Horizontal High Pressure Expansion Steam Engine of 20-horse power nominal, driving Printing Machinery ; Horizontal High-Pres­sure Patent Expansion Steam Engine of 25-horse power nominal, driving Wood Working Machinery; Patent Atmospheric Hammer. (443)

(See Appendix.)

PATENT GAS COMPANY, 25, Fejtchurch Street, London.Apparatus for the Manufacture of Gas, by Eveleighs Patented Process. (444)

SPICE, R. P., C.E., 21, Parliament Street, London.Working Apparatus for Making Gas for Heating and Illumination.

( 445 )

GALLOWAY, W. J., & SONS, Knot Mill Lron Works, Manchester.Two

Galloway Steam Boilers, and Steam Engine. (446)

McNICHOL, John, 97, Buchanan Street, Glasgoiv. High Pressure Steam Generator. (39 2 )

READING IRON WORKS, (Limited), Reading, Berkshire. Fixed Steam Engine, high pressure and condens­ing, fitted with variable expansion valve ; 10-horse power Horizontal Engine; illus­trations of new series of Economical Engines,

2 and 4-horse power; Portable Engine with special economical arrangements. (447)

(See also Group Xllla.)

CLARKSON BROTHERS (per John McNicol), Glasgow. Self-acting Steam Pumping Engines. (392*)

CATER & WALKER, Grove Steam Boiler Works, Southwark, London.Patent Multitubular Steam Boiler, of 50-horse power, with Fittings, at work in British Boiler House, at the Exhibition. (448)

GLOVER, George, & COMPANY, Ranelagh Road, Pimlico, L.ondon .National Standard Gasometers, similar to those sup­plied to Her Britannic Majestys Government and to the Government of the Netherlands ; Dry Gas Meters ; and Gas Apparatus. (449)

ADAMSON, Daniel, & COM­PANY, Engineering Works, Hyde Junction, near Manchester. Steam Boilers two of