Group XIV.Philosophical and Surgical Instruments.

TELEGRAPH CONSTRUCTION I AND MAINTENANCE COMPANY I (LiMiTED)(perBaronErlanger),A > «<?7tz//£0«/, j Paris . Telegraph Cables. (616) j

ASH, C., & SONS, 7, 8, 9, Broad j Street, Golden Square, London. Mineral Teeth, Dental Instruments, Tools, and Ap­pliances. (631)

REIN, C. F., & SON, 108, Strand, London.Acoustic, Surgical and Veterinary Instruments ; Respirators; Reservoir Ene­mas ; Eye Fountains and Douches ; Syphons and Breast Pumps ; Bougies and Catheters; Thethoscopes; Medical Inhalers; Instru­ments for Deformities; Anatomical Belts, Stockingsand Bandages ; Trusses, Crutches, Arm Slings, &c. Magneto-Electric Ma­chines for nervous diseases. Elastic Appli­ances for surgical purposes. Speaking Tubes and Trumpets. [Rotunda.] (632)

REIN, Mrs. C. F., 108, Strand, London. Anatomical Belts, Artificial Breasts, Elastic Stockings for varicose veins, &c.; Trusses of all descriptions, Ban- adages, and other appliances for surgical purposes. [Rotunda.] (633)

GRAY, Philip, 7, Cork Street, Bur­lington Gardens, London.Automatic Articu­lation applied to the construction of Artificial Limbs; Artificial Limbs suited to various amputations. (634)

(See Appendix.)

WARD, J., Leicester Square, London. Invalid Chairslocomotive, portable, re­cumbent, &c.; Childrens Perambulators.

( 6 3 6 )

PULVERMACHER, Isaac L., 168, Regent Street, London. Electric Galvano Bands, Chains, Volta-Electric Pocket Bat­teries ; Faradaic Pocket Induction Ap­paratus. (637)

(See Appendix.)

GABRIEL, Messrs., 64, Ludgate Hill; and 56, Harley Street, Cavendish Square, London.Artificial Teeth and speci­mens of Mechanical Dentistry. (638)

OCLEE, F. H., 31, New Bailey Street, Salford. Mechanical Self-acting


Bust for showing Artificial Teeth, Speci­mens of Teeth, &c. (639)

(See Appendix.)

SALT & SON, 21, Bull Street, Bir­mingham. Trusses; Umbilical Belts for Rupture ; Truss Pads made by machinery, without sewing. (640)

KLAFTENBERGER, C. J., 157, Regent Street, London.Marine and Pocket Chronometers, Clocks, and Watches ; Watches, for scientific and other purposes Chronographs, Automaton Seconds, Minute Repeaters, Perpetual Calendar Watches, &c.; Watch Chains and Seals. (641)

KULLBERG, V.,. 105, Liverpool Road, London.Marine Chronometers with improved balances for extremes of tem­perature; Keyless Pocket Chronometers, and Lever Watches; Chronograph, Calendar Watch, &c. (643)

WEICHERT, William, 119, Rothsay Terrace, Bute Docks, Cardiff, Wales. Marine Chronometers; Chronometer, Barometer and Thermometer combined; Keyless Pocket Chronometers, and Lever Watches. (644)

FRENCH & COMPANY, 9, Royal Exchange, London.Chronometers, Repeat­ing and other Watches, in gold and silver cases. (645)

GREENWOOD, J., & SONS, 6 and 7, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, London . Clock, going eight days, chiming quarters and music, in Louis XIV. marquetrie case. Designed by Mardchal, manufactured by exhibitors. (647)

ADAMS, W. Marsham, 3, Pennistone Street, Shepherd's Bush Green, London . Mensurator and Coelometer. (586)

SIVEL & WALTER, 121, Patrick Street, Cork.Marine Chronometer with im­proved auxiliary compensation balance wheel. (649)

LOZADA, J. R., 105, Regent Street, London.Marine Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks. (655)

LANG, D., & COMPANY, 27, Houndsditch, London.Surgical Instru ments. (435)