Catalogue of the British Section.



Musical Instruments.

Musical Instruments. Parts of them (Strings, Bows, Moulding Boards, Membranes, Keys, Pipes, &c.). Sound Carrving.'Apparatus (Speaking Pipes, Signal Whistles, &c.). Bells, Chime of Bells. Statistics of Production.

(Vide Additional Exhibition, No. 3.)

ATKINS, Charles, & COM- j PANY, 1, Water Lane , Great Tower Street, London .Metal Head Side Drums. (650)

IVORY, H, A., & COMPANY, \ Wood Green, Tottenham, London.Pianofortes, j

(651) !


KIRKMAN, J., & SON, 3, Soho !

Square, London .Pianofortes of various de­scriptions. (652)

BLEWS, William, & SONS, New Bartholomeiv Street, Birmingham .Peal of eight Church Bells arranged for ringing on the English system, weight 55 cwt. Set of Hand Bells for time ringing. (802)

(See also Group VII.)


The Art of War.

Organization and Recruiting of Armies. Equipment of Troops, Accoutrements, and Armour. Artillery. Military Engineering. Sanitary Contrivances. Military Education, Training, and Instruction. Cartography and Historiography.

SHIPLEY, John, 187, Regent Street, London .Horse Equipments, with modern improvements (shown in Major Levesons Tent). (663*0

ELEY BROTHERS, 254, Gray]sLnn Road, London .Cartridge Cases for military rifles, and for revolving pistols ; Percus­sion Caps ; Gun Waddings of thick felt.

( 657 )

' GREGORY, James, Newport Road,

Lincoln . Canteen Cooking Apparatus.

j (658)

HENRY, Alexander, 12, South SaintAndrezv Street, Edinburgh . Henrys

1 Self-cocking Military Rifles, with barrel as ! adopted by Her Britannic Majestys Govern- 1 ment;Henrys Military Breech-loading ! Rifles, with side lock. (3 1 3)

(See also Group VII.)

(See also Group VII.)